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What's the difference between static and dynamic scoping in this exercise?

I get confused when dealing with the static scope and dynamic scope, and for this pseudocode I have to find both. For both I believe it should print out: 9 4 2 3 however, I'm not entirely sure. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

g: integer

procedure B(a: integer)
    x: integer

    x := a X a

procedure A(n: integer)
    g := n

procedure R(m: integer)
    x /:= 2       -- integer division
    if x > 1
        R(m + 1)

procedure main()  -- entry point


  • If your language were statically scoped, then the variable x would be local only to the function B, and it would not be visible outside B.

    However, your language is dynamically scoped: The first time the control flow passes over the line x: integer, the variable x is now globally accessible.

    So, here's the order of events:

    • B(3) assigns x := 9

    • R(1) writes 9 and assigns x = 4 and calls R(2)

    • R(2) writes 4 and assigns x = 2 and calls R(3)

    • R(3) writes 2 and assignx x = 1 and calls A(3)

    • A(3) assigns g = 3

    • write_integer(g) prints 3.