I want to add custom place to Finder Favorites sidebar using LSSharedFileList API as described here. But I need to add a custom icon to this item. The icon should be in the IconRef
type. I have not found a way to do it. Found only a mention of the fact that the need to use Icon Services. But how?
You can use this function of Scplugin.
static IconRef IconRefFromIconFileNoCache(CFStringRef file)
IconRef iconRef;
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily;
FSRef fileRef;
CFURLRef url;
Boolean ok;
url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL,file,kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle,false);
if (!url)
return 0;
ok = CFURLGetFSRef(url,&fileRef);
if (!ok)
return 0;
if (ReadIconFromFSRef(&fileRef, &iconFamily))
return nil;
iconRef = 0;
return iconRef;