I need to execute following query (Using Propel 1.4/Symfony 1.4)
update notification
set read=1
where to=6 AND
For this, I wrote following code in symfony 1.4
$c=new Criteria()
$c->add(NotificationPeer::TO, $memberId, Criteria::EQUAL);
$c->add(NotificationPeer::ACTION, 0, Criteria::EQUAL);
$notification = NotificationPeer::doSelect($c);
foreach($notification as $notice)
Its working but if there are 100's of notification for any user, it will cost 100s of query and unnecessary load to server. I looked on doUpdate method of propel, I guess it can work for me but unable to figure out how.
IS there any way (I know there is but I don't know it) to do all that stuff in single query?
You should build two criteria:
// Build WHERE criteria
$wherec = new Criteria();
$wherec->add(NotificationPeer::TO, $memberId, Criteria::EQUAL);
$wherec->add(NotificationPeer::ACTION, 0, Criteria::EQUAL);
// Build updated field criteria
$updc = new Criteria();
$updc->add(NotificationPeer::READ, 1);
BasePeer::doUpdate($wherec, $updc, $con);
It performs one (could be big) query. See this snippet.