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Best way to enable blacklists for users

I want to allow my users to create blacklists of content sources (users/categories/words/?). They shouldn't be able to see any content from these sources.

For example: If user A blacklisted user B and then user B uploaded a picture, then user A request to see the gallery he won't see picture from B, but he'll be able to see pictures from user C, D, ...

The problem occurs when one user built a big blacklist (e.g. 100 sources). Then the SQL queries will be really long and complex ("...and author != 'B' and category != 'C'...") what will eventually kill my server.

What are the other ways to handle this problem?


  • It sounds to me like you're using dynamic SQL to build this query. You should have the blacklist stored in a table related by UserId, then you can write a stored procedure that uses NOT IN or NOT EXISTS to build the final resultset.