So I have a Dev Express gridview that is being bound to its data source in the cod behind. This data source is just a regular ORM object and it is working fine. I am trying to get one of the columns to turn into a combobox when I hit edit on the record. So far I have been able to accomplish this with the following code:
<dx:GridViewDataComboBoxColumn Caption="Invoice/Return#"
FieldName="InvoiceNumber" ToolTip="Invoice/Return#"
VisibleIndex="4" Settings-AllowSort="False" Name="cmbOtherCostsInvoice">
<PropertiesComboBox ClientInstanceName="cmbOtherCostsInvoice">
<Settings AllowSort="False"></Settings>
and I intercept the row editing event and bind the combo box like so:
protected void gridViewOtherCost_StartRowEditing(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxStartRowEditingEventArgs e)
var allInvoices = GetCollection<PurchaseOrderInvoice>("PURCHASE_ORDER_KEY = " + purchaseOrder.Key);
foreach (var item in allInvoices)
(gridViewOtherCost.Columns[4] as GridViewDataComboBoxColumn).PropertiesComboBox.Items.Add(item.InvoiceNumber, item.InvoiceKey);
So this works but I would like to get the combobox to be multi-column. I have some other multi-column ones throughout the app, but none are nested in a gridview so I don't know what to do. Here is an example of the stand alone multi column combo box.
<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="cmbAssetPart" runat="server" CssClass="requiredfield" Width="100px
ValueField="AssetKEY" TextField="AssetID" TextFormatString="{0}">
<dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="AssetID" Name="AssetID" />
<dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="EntityName" Name="Entity" />
Any idea how I can get this to function?
Define Columns collection between PropertiesComboBox tags:
<dx:GridViewDataComboBoxColumn ....>
<PropertiesComboBox ClientInstanceName="cmbOtherCostsInvoice">
<dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="AssetID" Name="AssetID" />
<dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="EntityName" Name="Entity" />