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mongodb java to insert embedded document

I have a collection with embedded documents in it.

    System_Info: ...,

   Tenant: [ 
        Tenant_Id: ..., 
        Tenant_Info: ..., 
        Prop_Info: ...
        Tenant_Id: ..., 
        Tenant_Info: ..., 
        Prop_Info: ...
    } ]


If I need to insert another tenant information like this

     Tenant { Tenant_Id:2,Tenant_Info:"check",prop_info:"client"}.

whats the mongodb query to insert embedded documents? and how to do it using java?


  • Use the following code to insert into array :

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put( "System_Info", "...." );
    BasicDBObject tenant = new BasicDBObject();
    tenant.put("Tenant_Id", 2);
    tenant.put("Tenant_Info", "check");
    tenant.put("Prop_Info", "client");
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.put("$push", new BasicDBObject("Tenant",tenant));
    coll.update(query, update,true,true);