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What does the is_lock_free property of std::atomic mean?

I wanted to understand what does one mean by lock_free property of atomic variables in c++11. I did googled out and saw the other relevant questions on this forum but still having partial understanding. Appreciate if someone can explain it end-to-end and in simple way.


  • Jerry already mentioned common correctness problems with locks, i.e. they're hard to understand and program correctly.

    Another danger with locks is that you lose determinism regarding your execution time: if a thread that has acquired a lock gets delayed (e.g. descheduled by the operating system, or "swapped out"), then it is pos­si­ble that the entire program is de­layed be­cause it is waiting for the lock. By contrast, a lock-free al­go­rithm is al­ways gua­ran­teed to make some progress, even if any number of threads are held up some­where else.

    By and large, lock-free programming is often slower (sometimes significantly so) than locked pro­gram­ming using non-atomic operations, because atomic operations cause a sig­ni­fi­cant hit on caching and pipelining; however, it offers determinism and upper bounds on latency (at least overall latency of your process; as @J99 observed, individual threads may still be starved as long as enough other threads are making progress). Your program may get a lot slower, but it never locks up entirely and always makes some progress.

    The very nature of hardware architectures allows for certain small operations to be intrinsically atomic. In fact, this is a very necessity of any hardware that supports multitasking and multithreading. At the very heart of any synchronisation primitive, such as a mutex, you need some sort of atomic instruction that guarantees correct locking behaviour.

    So, with that in mind, we now know that it is possible for certain types like booleans and machine-sized integers to be loaded, stored and exchanged atomically. Thus when we wrap such a type into an std::atomic template, we can expect that the resulting data type will indeed offer load, store and exchange operations that do not use locks. By contrast, your library implementation is always allowed to implement an atomic Foo as an ordinary Foo guarded by a lock.

    To test whether an atomic object is lock-free, you can use the is_lock_free member function. Additionally, there are ATOMIC_*_LOCK_FREE macros that tell you whether atomic primitive types potentially have a lock-free instantiation. If you are writing concurrent algorithms that you want to be lock-free, you should thus include an assertion that your atomic objects are indeed lock-free, or a static assertion on the macro to have value 2 (meaning that every object of the corresponding type is always lock-free).