I am parsing YouTube JSON-C GDATA feeds and as it is JSON it can not contain a colon (:) so when I parse the string duration it comes as plain text i.e 823 or 2421. how would I format this to be more readable? i.e 823 --> 8:23 or 2421 --> 24.21 or 23 --> 0:23?
This code should do it:
String time = "322";
int length = time.length();
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(time);
switch(length) {
case(1): s.insert(0, "0:0"); break; //ex: 2 -> 0:02
case(2): s.insert(0, "0:"); break; //ex: 22 -> 0.22
case(3): s.insert(1, ":"); break; //ex: 322 -> 3:22
case(4): s.insert(2, ":"); break; //ex: 2421 -> 24:21
And you can continue to add case(5)
if you expect a length in hours.
Good Luck!