I'm using the llvm-fs bindings and one method I would like to call is createJITCompilerForModule
which is an extern to the native method LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule
in the LLVM C api. The author of llvm-fs has stated he can't make a 'nice' version of this function call in F#:
createJITCompilerForModule in llvm-fs:Generated.fs
extern bool createJITCompilerForModuleNative(
void* (* LLVMExecutionEngineRef* *) OutJIT,
void* (* LLVMModuleRef *) M,
uint32 OptLevel,
void* OutError)
// I don't know how to generate an "F# friendly" version of LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule
Do you know how I would call this function from F#, or even what the native one does? It looks like it has an 'out parameter' for OutJIT
(as the native code reassigns a thing the void*
points to). Here is the native function:
LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule in llvm-c:ExecutionEngineBindings.cpp
LLVMBool LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule(LLVMExecutionEngineRef *OutJIT,
LLVMModuleRef M,
unsigned OptLevel,
char **OutError) {
std::string Error;
EngineBuilder builder(unwrap(M));
if (ExecutionEngine *JIT = builder.create()) {
*OutJIT = wrap(JIT);
return 0;
*OutError = strdup(Error.c_str());
return 1;
The actual function I wanted to use was a special hand made one as it couldn't be generated. I've put it here as an example of how to call it:
let private createEngineForModuleFromNativeFunc
(nativeFunc : (nativeint * nativeint * nativeint) -> bool)
(moduleRef : ModuleRef) =
use outEnginePtr = new NativePtrs([|0n|])
use outErrPtr = new NativePtrs([|0n|])
let createFailed =
nativeFunc (
if createFailed then
let errStr = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (Marshal.ReadIntPtr outErrPtr.Ptrs)
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (Marshal.ReadIntPtr outErrPtr.Ptrs)
failwith errStr
ExecutionEngineRef (Marshal.ReadIntPtr outEnginePtr.Ptrs)
let createJITCompilerForModule (modRef : ModuleRef) (optLvl : uint32) =
let f (engPtr, modPtr, outErrPtr) =
createJITCompilerForModuleNative (engPtr, modPtr, optLvl, outErrPtr)
createEngineForModuleFromNativeFunc f modRef