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datePickerValueChanged Documentation Location?

I have a code example that uses a - datePickerValueChanged method. Given that I can't find the method in the TableViewController's .h file, I'm assuming that this must be a method in the UIDatePicker class that is being overidden. Would that be correct? If so, where would I find this method documented? I have looked at the iPhone Developer documentation on the site and a search results in nothing. I can't see it in the UIDatePicker documentation either.

The main reason I ask is that I would like to locate the similar method to override for a UIPickerView object.

I'm not using XIB/Interface Builder for this - the UIDatePicker is created programatically at runtime.


  • you have to add a method to the 'valueChanged` event of date picker:

    [datePicker addTarget:self action:@selector(changeMyDate:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged];

    assuming your method is called changeMyDate: