Got 3 Entities in my CoreData Models
Formations with a sections relationship to a Sections entity and chapters relationship with a Chapters entity.
So A Formation contains 1 or n sections containing 1 or n chapters
In my section Entity, there is a sortNB
attribute (a kind of id
), so I would like to sort my sections in my request.
I tried to do :
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Formations" inManagedObjectContext:_managedObjectContext];
[request setEntity:entity];
NSSortDescriptor *sort = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"sections.sortNB" ascending:YES];
[request setRelationshipKeyPathsForPrefetching:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"sections", nil]];
[request setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sort]];
NSArray *forms = [[_managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:nil]mutableCopy];
But got an error :
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'to-many key not allowed here'
How can I proceed ?
I would like to insert same kind of number in my Chapters entity to sort it too, but first, let's resolve it for Sections :p
Ok so I sort my objects not in my request but after using
NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"sortNB" ascending:YES]];
NSArray *sortedRecipes = [[[formation sections] allObjects] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
And it works.
Thanks for your help.