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Is it possible to trigger a sequence of actions in RCP-Plugin without plugins activation?

If I activate an Eclipse plugin (e.g. by clicking on a command from the plug-in in a menu) a number of actions is automatically triggering - like setting preferences, etc.

I would like to ask if is it possible to activate a plug-in automatically at the Eclipse startup without clicking on any actions?

Possible duplicate: Launch an action in Eclipse RCP at startup

I'm not sure if is is the same case like mine. If it is, then sorry for duplicate.


  • [It is not totally clear to me what you mean, but it does seem to be an exact duplicate as far as I can see...]

    If you want to start an Eclipse plug-in as Eclipse is started, you can either use either start-levels of OGSi or use the org.eclipse.ui.startup extension point... The frmer is the most general, whereas later is probably the easiest if you can change the plugin.xml of the plug-in...