I want to pack/unpack two signed 16 bit integers into a 32 bit integer. However, I'm not getting it to quite work.
Any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong?
template <typename T>
int read_s16(T& arr, int idx) restrict(amp)
return static_cast<int>((arr[idx/2] >> ((idx % 2) * 16)) << 16) >> 16;
template<typename T>
void write_s16(T& arr, int idx, int val) restrict(amp)
// NOTE: arr is zero initialized
concurrency::atomic_fetch_or(&arr[idx/2], (static_cast<unsigned int>(val) & 0xFFFF) << ((idx % 2) * 16));
The function return/arguments must be as I have defined. The lo
and hi
are written from different threads (thus the atomic_or), and the read must return a single 32 bit value.
16 bit integer arithmetics are not supported on the target platform.
array<int> ar(1); // Container
write_s16(ar, 0, -16);
write_s16(ar, 1, 5);
assert(read_s16(ar, 0) == -16);
assert(read_s16(ar, 1) == 5);
These atomic operations in C++ AMP also have the following limitations:
It would seem like you are violating the first of these.