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Queue Resque Jobs from NodeJS

I want to queue Resque jobs from NodeJS. Monitoring Redis commands I see:

1346127083.495055 "sadd" "resque:w:tasks:queues" "facebook"
1346127083.495471 "rpush" "resque:w:tasks:queue:facebook" "{\"class\":\"Hello::FacebookFriends\",\"args\":[\"2342324\"]}"

Issuing those commands directly from Node seems to work. Are there any hidden bugs or things I'm not aware of here?

Update: My jobs are written in Ruby. While I love NodeJS and I'm way better in Javascript, I need tons of libraries that are still not available in a great condition in NPM, for example communicating with Twitter and Facebook (Twitter and Koala gems, There's nothing comparable for Node). So I want to start Ruby Jobs from my NodeJS service.

So far I'm using something that looks similar to this function from coffee-resque:

 enqueue: (queue, func, args) ->
    @redis.sadd  @key('queues'), queue
    @redis.rpush @key('queue', queue),
      JSON.stringify class: func, args: args || []


job = JSON.stringify
    class: 'Hello::FacebookFriends'
    args: [user_id,]
    .sadd('resque:w:tasks:queues', 'facebook')
    .rpush('resque:w:tasks:queue:facebook', job)


  • Why not set up a service that fires off the jobs? It would be an extra hop through the network, but the code should be simple enough(look at for example).