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How to pass a hash object to a HAML tag

Please consider this example:

- user_links_params = _user_link_params(current_user)

%a{ :'data-msgstore-path' => user_links_params[:'data-msgstore-path'],
  :'data-user_id' => user_links_params[:'data-user_id'],
  :class => user_links_params[:class],
  / too many html tags and stuff to fit in a simple link_to

I would be nice to fit all this in a simple statement like the following:

  / too many html tags and stuff to fit in a simple link_to


  • Yes, it's possible, and you were close:


    From the HAML reference:

    For example, if you defined

    def hash1
      {:bread => 'white', :filling => 'peanut butter and jelly'}
    def hash2
      {:bread => 'whole wheat'}

    then %sandwich{hash1, hash2, :delicious => true}/ would compile to:

    <sandwich bread='whole wheat' delicious='true' filling='peanut butter and jelly' />