The issue:
I have a timesheet application. It has an SQlite database. I am trying to find a way to present a GUI so that if the user clicks a square(a ) i need to paas the data from the template to the model (paris) so i can save it in theb SQlite database.
There are three tables one for users one for the timesheet and one for the department.
It is a timesheet like application.
The setup:
Slim php Idiorm/Paris SQlite3
Does anyone know a good way to make the user click a so that the data is passed on to the model from the view?
Thank you in advance!
Imagine this is your view
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#add").on("click", function(e) {
var user_id = $('#user_id').val();
var time = date();
var department = $('#department').val();
var data = {uid:user_id, time:time, dept:department};
url: "add_into_db.php",
type: 'POST',
data: data,
success: function(msg) {
alert("Your dats is inserted successfully");
alert("Your data insertion failed");
return false;
// Some html here
// input field for user
// input field for time
// input field for department
// whatever data you want os send on click, include it here
<input id ='add' type= 'submit' value 'Add'/> //Your submit button to add data via AJAX
Yout php function which will add data into database
function add_into_db(){
$user id = $_POST['user_id'];
$time = $_POST['time'];
$dept = $_POST['department'];
// connect to your db
// run your insert query
If (insertion is successfull) {
$msg = 'true';
echo $msg;
$msg = 'false';
echo $msg
Hope it ill help you