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Retrieving the name of the invoked method executed in a Func

I would like to get the name of the method that is being delegated as a Func.

Func<MyObject, object> func = x => x.DoSomeMethod();
string name = ExtractMethodName(func); // should equal "DoSomeMethod"

How can I achieve this?

-- For bragging rights --

Make ExtractMethodName also work with a property invocation, having it return the property name in that instance.


Func<MyObject, object> func = x => x.Property;
string name = ExtractMethodName(func); // should equal "Property"


  • Look Ma! No expression trees!

    Here's a quick, dirty and implementation-specific version that grabs the metadata token from the IL stream of the underlying lambda and resolves it.

    private static string ExtractMethodName(Func<MyObject, object> func)
        var il = func.Method.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray();
        // first byte is ldarg.0
        // second byte is callvirt
        // next four bytes are the MethodDef token
        var mdToken = (il[5] << 24) | (il[4] << 16) | (il[3] << 8) | il[2];
        var innerMethod = func.Method.Module.ResolveMethod(mdToken);
        // Check to see if this is a property getter and grab property if it is...
        if (innerMethod.IsSpecialName && innerMethod.Name.StartsWith("get_"))
            var prop = (from p in innerMethod.DeclaringType.GetProperties()
                        where p.GetGetMethod() == innerMethod
                        select p).FirstOrDefault();
            if (prop != null)
                return prop.Name;
        return innerMethod.Name;