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ASP .NET 2.0 on Apache (Windows XP)?

I am building an ASP .NET 2.0 web app for an intranet environment. The site may have to be hosted on an XP machine in the LAN. IIS would restrict the number of connections to 40. My requirements are different - the number of clients in the LAN could be much higher - say upto 1000 or maybe even more.

The site is built using ASP .NET 2.0 and extensively uses ASP .NET Ajax 1.0. What options do I have? Is hosting it on an Apache server possible? (with ASP .NET Ajax) If not, any alternatives?


EDIT: I've heard about ultidev cassini. Is that a good option (ASP .NET 2.0+ ASP .NET AJAX 1.0)?


  • I wouldn't consider cassini, in my experience it's too slow for production. Other alternatives:

    • Apache + mod_mono (but your app would be running under Mono instead of "standard" .net, which may or may not bring its own problems)
    • Apache + mod_aspdotnet (but this mod seems rather old and unmaintained)
    • Buy a Windows Web Server license (2003 or 2008), but I guess that's not an option is it? :-)