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How to link to an xpage in email?

In lotusscript I usually do the following to create a simple email which contains a link that points to a notes database/view. Is there any way I can modify the link(appenddoclink) so that it opens an xpage? Say my xpage name is "Staff_Page".

Dim maildoc As NotesDocument, rtitem As NotesRichTextItem
Set maildoc=New NotesDocument(db)
maildoc.subject="Email Address(s) For Your Approval"
Set rtitem=New NotesRichTextItem(maildoc, "Body")
Call rtitem.Appendtext("Dear John,")
Call rtitem.Addnewline(2)
Call rtitem.Appenddoclink(db, "", "Click to open the XPage.")           
Call maildoc.Send(False, "")

I've looked at the XPages URL Cheat Sheet but those are not lotusscript. I'm doing XPiNC with some lotusscript agent.


  • Easiest one is to specify in your Form properties "open xpage instead" Second option is to specify a URL link pointing to it with the href=notes://server/.... You might be better off using mime mail (snippets for that on OpenNTF) since you have easier formatting options