I worked this holiday to find out my code wont work on HTTPS. My LOCALDEV is HTTP and our production server is HTTPS.
For some reason YUI is going out to get JS, when I have it locally.
I have it on the server...........
And finally my code:
YUI().use('autocomplete', 'autocomplete-filters', 'autocomplete-highlighters', function (Y) {
var notes = [
"Dr Follow Up Complete Notes",
"Fax Document Notes",
"Event Notes",
"Email Information Notes",
"Corresponding Document Notes",
"Return Call Notes",
"Admit Notes",
"Discharge Notes",
"Other Notes",
"Excellent Resource Notes",
"Good Resource Notes",
"Neutral Resource Notes",
"Poor Resource Notes",
"Unacceptable Resource Notes",
var inputNode = Y.one('#name');
inputNode.plug(Y.Plugin.AutoComplete, {
resultFilters : 'phraseMatch',
resultHighlighter: 'phraseMatch',
source : notes,
minQueryLength : 0
inputNode.ac.get('boundingBox').setStyle('zIndex', 50);
inputNode.on('focus', function () {
I don't have that directory in my build.
TLDR: try setting the base
config property in your call to YUI.
I haven't used YUI, but generally speaking, requests from a HTTPS site should always hit other HTTPS sites (otherwise you'll see insecure content warnings, or requests get blocked as you've discovered). So that's the problem.
You have 2 options I can think of to fix this:
Configure YUI to request from a HTTPS site. Google's AjaxAPIs did have it hosted and did support SSL, but it appears to have been removed from Google's list of hosted libraries. A post in the YUI forums by a YUI developer in 2011 indicates Google stopped hosting new versions of YUI due to Google's CDN not supporting combo handling. So that's not really an option, and some people are of the opinion that external scripts loaded over HTTPS are bad anyway.
Configure YUI to load the content from your local server. This requires that your javascript is not only locally present but will also be served by your server at a particular URL. Aside from making your initial script
tag point to your locally hosted YUI script, it looks like configuring the client side loading is done by setting the base
config property in your call to YUI (or comboBase
if you are using a combo loader - but that would mean you'd have to set up your own YUI combo loader).
For example, if your YUI lib is available at https://mydomain.com/static/js/yui_3.6.0/yui/build/
(and your page is at, say https://mydomain.com/sample/page
), then you might do the following:
<script src="https://mydomain.com/static/js/3.6.0/yui/build/yui-min.js"></script>
And then in your javascript files:
base: 'static/js/yui_3.6.0/yui/build/'
}).use('node', 'event', function(Y) {
(or possibly base: '/static/js/yui_3.6.0/yui/build/'
; I haven't got a server handy to test on - please report back which worked, if any!)