I have an application where I would like to get the volume coordinates from a tri-planar set of 2D images (axial, sagital, coronal), similar to what is displayed in the bottom panel of Lesson 13. I do not need the 3D view currently, so this feels like a simplified version of finding-world-coordinates-from-screen-coordinates.
Getting the volume coordinates onMouseDown also seems like a required step in the recent question xtk-2d-renderer-linking-with-onmousedown-position.
Any help or advise on how to get the volume coordinates is much appreciated!
I just answered https://stackoverflow.com/a/12255899/1183453. In short: this is not possible right now but certainly should be. I think that it might be even easier in the 2D case. We need functionality to map a screen position to volume space. We should create a GitHub issue and discuss.