I would like to use airxzip but I don't know how to download the source file and where to place it if I do.
I am sorry for being such a newbie at this.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Below is the link to the zip/unzip as3 code I am trying to access.
Below is a sample to "unzip" but again I don't know how to download the files for importing.
// ActionScript file
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipEntry;
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipError;
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipFileReader;
import com.coltware.airxzip.*;
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
use namespace zip_internal;
public function unzip_init(filename:String):ZipFileReader{
var reader:ZipFileReader = new ZipFileReader();
var file:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath(filename);
return reader;
public function unzip_sample1():void{
var reader:ZipFileReader = unzip_init("new_airxzip.zip");
var list:Array = reader.getEntries();
for each(var entry:ZipEntry in list){
log.debug("DIR --->" + entry.getFilename());
log.debug("FILE --->" + entry.getFilename() + "(" + entry.getCompressRate() + ")");
public function unzip_sample2():void{
var reader:ZipFileReader = unzip_init("new_airxzip.zip");
var list:Array = reader.getEntries();
for each(var entry:ZipEntry in list){
if(entry.getFilename() == "sample.txt"){
var bytes:ByteArray = reader.unzip(entry);
log.debug("sample.txt : " + bytes);
public function unzip_sample3():void{
var reader:ZipFileReader = unzip_init("crypto_airxzip.zip");
var list:Array = reader.getEntries();
for each(var entry:ZipEntry in list){
if(entry.getFilename() == "sample.txt"){
var bytes:ByteArray = reader.unzip(entry);
log.debug("sample.txt : " + bytes);
log.warn(entry.getFilename() + ":" + e.message);
public function unzip_sample4():void{
var reader:ZipFileReader = unzip_init("abc.zip");
var list:Array = reader.getEntries();
for each(var entry:ZipEntry in list){
Flash Builder
1. Download the SWC File.
2. In your flash builder project make a
libsfolder. and downloaded SWC files drag and drop or copy.
3. In your project mouse right click and Properties click.
4. Actionscript Build Path - Library Path - Add SWC Folder click and input a libs
Flash (below image Mac OS)
1. File-ActionScript Settings Click
2. Browse to SWC File icon Click. and downloaded your SWC File link.
3. publish setting, Target set a AIR2.5 or AIR 3.X ios or AIR 3.X Android.
4. check out below my sample code. I tested.
here is a sample code. simple_unzip
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipEntry;
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipError;
import com.coltware.airxzip.ZipFileReader;
import com.coltware.airxzip.*;
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.net.FileReference;
import flash.net.FileFilter;
var file:File;
var fileReference:FileReference;
var fileFilter:FileFilter;
function unzip_init():void{
fileFilter = new FileFilter("selected your zip file.", "*.zip; .gz2; .bz2;");
file = new File();
file.browseForOpen("\Users", [fileFilter]);
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelectedFile);
function onSelectedFile(e:Event):void
var reader:ZipFileReader = new ZipFileReader();
var list:Array = reader.getEntries();
for each(var entry:ZipEntry in list){
trace("DIR --->" + entry.getFilename());
trace("FILE --->" + entry.getFilename() + "(" + entry.getCompressRate() + ")");
from now, possible check out the sample code. default Environment has been completed.
What's the SWC?
an Adobe SWC file is a package of precompiled Flash symbols and ActionScript code that allows a Flash or Flex developer to distribute classes and assets, or to avoid recompiling symbols and code that will not change.