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Orthogonal distance regression in MATLAB

Given two random variables/measurements (x, y), both measured with error (error-in-variables case),
is there a routine in MATLAB to calculate the estimators (a, b) of a regression line y(i)=a·x(i)+b using the method of orthogonal distance regression?

Here's my implementation of Maximum Likelihood estimator:

x= [1.0, 0.6, 1.2, 1.4, 0.2];
y=[0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 0.2];

mx = mean(x);
my = mean(y);
p = (x(:) - mx) .^ 2;
q = (y(:) - mx) .^ 2;
w = p .* q;
sxx = sum(p);
syy = sum(q);
sxy = sum(w);    w=p.*q;   sxy=sum(w);

l = 1;  %# orthogonal distance regression
a = (syy - l * syy + sqrt((syy - l * sxx) ^ 2 + 4 * l * sxy^2)) / (2 * sxy);
b = my - a * mx;

EDIT (addressed to EitanT):

Here's a comparison of my estimators and yours:



  • MATLAB doesn't have a built-in function exactly like that, but you can easily find the estimators a and b with svd approximation1,2:

    data = [x(:), y(:)];
    [U, S, V] = svd(data - repmat(mean(data), size(data, 1), 1), 0);
    a = -V(1, end) / V(2, end);
    b = mean(data * V(:, end)) / V(2, end);

    Which is in fact the orthogonal distance regression method.

    EDIT #1:
    Here's a plot of the original data, alongside my estimator and yours.


    Your estimator is highly inaccurate, which brings me to believe that that your implementation is flawed.

    EDIT #2:

    Here's an updated plot if the computation of a is corrected to:

    a=(syy-l*syy+sqrt((syy-l*sxx)^2+4*l*sxy^2)) / (2*sxy);  %# Forgot parentheses!

    enter image description here

    Closer, but still not as accurate as mine.

    EDIT #1:

    You can further improve the accuracy of sxx, syy and sxy, like so:

    cov_mat = cov(x, y);
    sxx = cov_mat(1, 1);  %# Same as: sxx = var(x);
    syy = cov_mat(2, 2);  %# Same as: syy = var(y);
    sxy = cov_mat(1, 2);  %# Same as: sxy = cov_mat(2, 1);

    1 Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan (1996) "Matrix Computations" (3rd ed.). The Johns Hopkins University Press. pp 596.