I have two data structure classes (this is a simplified version of my code)
What I am trying to accomplish is to compile “Uploading” (persisting to database), which is common across all different data structure classes.
So mainly my goal is to have a small Upload method that looks like
foreach (TypeName typeName in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TypeName)))
IDataPopulator populator =
new DataFactory().CreateDataPopulator(typeName);
But the problem is that, populator
returns an object instances of different types, which I am having trying to encapsulate since they have no common properties.
(IDataPopulator.TResult Populate(string data) in the code below)
Is there a way to get around this? Or does Strategy pattern not fit for this kind of scenario?
Here is the code I’ve been working with
public class Program
public static void Main()
foreach (TypeName typeName in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TypeName)))
IDataPopulator populator = new DataFactory().CreateDataPopulator(typeName);
public enum TypeName { Person, Animal }
public class Person { public DateTime Birthday { get; set; } }
public class Animal { public int Age { get; set; } }
public interface IDataPopulator
TResult Populate(string data);
class AnimalDataPopulator : IDataPopulator
public Animal Populate(string data)
// create an instance of Animal using data
class PersonDataPopulator : IDataPopulator
public Person Populate(string data)
// create an instance of Person using data
public class DataFactory
public IDataPopulator CreateDataPopulator(TypeName typeName)
switch (typeName)
case TypeName.Person:
return new PersonDataPopulator();
case TypeName.Animal:
return new AnimalDataPopulator();
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("typeName");
public class UploadContext
private readonly IUploader _Uploader;
public UploadContext(IUploader uploader) { _Uploader = uploader; }
public void Upload() { _Uploader.Upload(); }
public interface IUploader
void Upload();
class PersonUploader : IUploader
private Person _Person;
public PersonUploader(Person person) { _Person = person; }
public void Upload()
Console.WriteLine("Uploading person...");
class AnimalUploader : IUploader
private Animal _Animal;
public AnimalUploader(Animal animal) { _Animal = animal; }
public void Upload()
Console.WriteLine("Uploading animal...");
I don't see how the Strategy pattern would fit here. The pattern is about a family of algorithms, e.g. line breaking strategies. You don't have strategies here, you have a single abstract method
TResult Populate(string data);
and several implementations of it.
I also don't understand the initial problem, maybe you want to queue several serialization operations? In that case the Command pattern is your friend.