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Zend Metadata Cache in file

I set up a metadata cache in Zend Framework because a lot of DESCRIBE queries were executed and it affected the performances.

$frontendOptions = array ('automatic_serialization' => true);
$backendOptions = array ('cache_dir' => CACHE_PATH . '/db-tables-metadata');
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory(

I can indeed see the cache files created, and the website works great.

However, when I launch unit tests, or a script of the same application that perform DB queries, I end up with an error because Zend couldn't read the cache files.

This is because in the website, the cache files are created by the www user, and when I run phpunit or a script, it tries to read them with my user and it fails.

Do you see any solution to that? I have some quickfix ideas but I'm looking for a good/stable solution. And I'd rather avoid running phpunit or the scripts as www if possible (for practical reasons).


  • try sudo command. something like this $sudo -u www php -f run-tests.php



    $backendOptions = array ('cache_dir' => CACHE_PATH . '/db-tables-metadata', 'cache_file_umask' => 0755, 'cache_file_perm' => 0755);