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match clause returning incorrect results

I am trying to use FTS3 in sqlite and executing a query which is not returning desired results. here is the query:

select * from table1 where col1 MATCH 'rain';

this query is returning col1 containing text 'strain' too which I do not want. I want the exact replica of this query:

select * from table1 where col1 like '% rain %';

any suggestions/comments/help?


  • In case of FTS3/FTS4 in sqlite database, I conclude that the default tokenizer which is simple (at least) ignores '(' and ')' while tokenizing the elements in any text column. Other special characters can also be checked as I doubt there would be others too. When the match query is executed, these values were ignored. Here is the test case for my scenario:

    create virtual table tab1 using fts3(val text);
    insert into tab1 values('this is rain test');
    insert into tab1 values('this is strain test');
    insert into tab1 values('this is (rain) test with parenthesis');
    insert into tab1 values('rain test');
    insert into tab1 values('this is rain');
    insert into tab1 values('strain test');
    insert into tab1 values('this is strain');

    after executing the following query:

    select * from tab1 where val MATCH 'rain';

    results were:

    this is rain test
    this is (rain) test with parenthesis
    rain test
    this is rain