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Get data from a Form in the beforeSave method of a Model

I already created a register form. I have 3 select-boxes. Day, Month, Year. In my database I have one column called "Birthday" with the format of "date". Now I want to put all three together and insert the result into the database.

public function beforeSave($options = array()){
    $this->data['User']['Birthday'] = $this->data['User']['Year'] . '-' . $this->data['User']['Month'] .'-' . $this->data['User']['Day'];
    return true;

But this is not working :(

None of this fields (Day, Month,Year, Birthday) has validation rules..

How can I do this?


  • You can try the following code in your Model:

    public function beforeSave($options = array()){
           $this->data['User']['Birthday'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->data['User']['Year'] . '-' . $this->data['User']['Month'] .'-' . $this->data['User']['Day']));
       return true;   

    There must be following form fields should be available into your form:

    <?php echo $this->Form->create('User', array('url' => $this->params));
          echo $this->Form->input('Year', array('options' => $year_options, 'type' => 'select'));
          echo $this->Form->input('Month', array('options' => $month_options, 'type' => 'select'));
          echo $this->Form->input('Day', array('options' => $day_options, 'type' => 'select'));