In a past entry I figured out how to retrieve the metrics data for a certain profile id: Exception thrown when using GData .NET Analytics API
Now I would like to retrieve a certain profile id that matches a registered domain name on my accounts list in Google Analytics, this was easy before, but after the last Google upgrade to Management/Core Reporting API 3.0, the old 2.3 feed has been shutdown and the AccountsFeed related code is not working as expected.
Using a suggestion posted here: , I came up with this code works to accomplish what I need:
Imports Google
Imports Google.Analytics
Imports Google.GData.Analytics
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections
Public Function GetProfileId(ByVal DomainText As String) As String
Dim Ids As String = String.Empty
Dim service As GData.Analytics.AnalyticsService = New GData.Analytics.AnalyticsService("MyAnalyticsService")
service.setUserCredentials(username, pass)
//Dim factory As GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequestFactory = CType(service.RequestFactory, GData.Client.GDataGAuthRequestFactory)
//factory.AccountType = "GOOGLE"
//factory.UseSSL = True
//service.RequestFactory = factory
Dim aF As DataFeed = service.Query(New DataQuery(""))
Dim webPropsUrl As String = ""
For Each o As GData.Client.AtomEntry In aF.Entries
If o.Title.Text.Contains(DomainText) Then
webPropsUrl = o.Links.Item(1).HRef.Content
Exit For
End If
Dim wpF As DataFeed = service.Query(New DataQuery(webPropsUrl))
Dim profileFeedUrl As String = ""
For Each entry As DataEntry In wpF.Entries
profileFeedUrl = entry.Links.Item(2).HRef.Content
Exit For
Dim prF As DataFeed = service.Query(New DataQuery(profileFeedUrl))
Dim profileUrl As String = ""
For Each profd As DataEntry In prF.Entries
profileUrl = profd.Links.Item(0).HRef.Content
Exit For
Dim profileId As String = ""
profileId = profileUrl.Split("/")(profileUrl.Split("/").Length - 1)
Return profileId
End Function