I'm looking for a way to create a Boost.Fusion sequence wrapper that is itself a Fusion sequence and forwards all 'calls' to its wrapped sequence. Something in the lines of
template< typename Sequence >
struct sequence_wrapper
explicit sequence_wrapper( Sequence const& s ) : seq( s ){}
Sequence seq;
where sequence_wrapper< Sequence >
is a Fusion sequence as well, and works just as Sequence
would. The reason I need this is that I have several functions that operate on Fusion sequences (where all elements satisfy some special requirements), and I would like to add some syntax sugar for which I need a custom type to add overloaded operators to. I do not need the result of operations on a sequence_wrapper to return a sequence_wrapper as well, only the syntax sugar related calls would return a (manually) wrapped sequence. For instance, appending elements to a sequence using the comma operator (somewhat of a Boost.Assign for Fusion sequences):
template< typename Sequence, typename T >
typename boost::fusion::result_of::push_back<
Sequence const&
, T
> operator ,( Sequence const& seq, T const& v )
typename boost::fusion::result_of::push_back<
Sequence const&
, T
>( boost::fusion::push_back( seq, v ) )
What would be the best way to achieve this (if it is indeed supported by the library)? I'm particularly trying to avoid creating a Fusion sequence from scratch, as I would like to use whatever sequence is returned by Fusion operations. Would inheritance + specialization of tag_of
to return the tag of the wrapped sequence just work? Or will I need to define a tag of my own and implement all required functions to just forward the call?
This is what I ended up doing:
typename Derived
, typename Sequence
, typename TraversalTag =
typename boost::fusion::traits::category_of< Sequence >::type
, typename IsView =
typename boost::fusion::traits::is_view< Sequence >::type
class fusion_sequence_wrapper
: public boost::fusion::sequence_facade< Derived, TraversalTag, IsView >
typedef Sequence base_sequence_type;
explicit fusion_sequence_wrapper( base_sequence_type const& sequence )
: _seq( sequence )
base_sequence_type const& base() const
return _seq;
base_sequence_type& base()
return _seq;
template< typename Seq >
struct begin
typename boost::fusion::result_of::begin<
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_const< Seq >
, base_sequence_type const
, base_sequence_type
>::type type;
static type call( Seq& s ){ return boost::fusion::begin( s._seq ); }
template< typename Seq >
struct end
typename boost::fusion::result_of::end<
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_const< Seq >
, base_sequence_type const
, base_sequence_type
>::type type;
static type call( Seq& s ){ return boost::fusion::end( s._seq ); }
template< typename Seq >
struct size
typename boost::fusion::result_of::size<
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_const< Seq >
, base_sequence_type const
, base_sequence_type
>::type type;
static type call( Seq& s ){ return boost::fusion::size( s._seq ); }
template< typename Seq >
struct empty
typename boost::fusion::result_of::empty<
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_const< Seq >
, base_sequence_type const
, base_sequence_type
>::type type;
static type call( Seq& s ){ return boost::fusion::empty( s._seq ); }
template< typename Seq, typename N >
struct at
typename boost::fusion::result_of::at<
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_const< Seq >
, base_sequence_type const
, base_sequence_type
, N
>::type type;
static type call( Seq& s ){ return boost::fusion::at( s._seq ); }
template< typename Seq, typename N >
struct value_at
typename boost::fusion::result_of::value_at<
typename boost::mpl::if_<
boost::is_const< Seq >
, base_sequence_type const
, base_sequence_type
, N
>::type type;
base_sequence_type _seq;