I have setup a squid http proxy on my Mac and I have setup my Mac to share its wireless connection. In the wifi connection information on my phone I have setup my HTTP Proxy Settings:
Port: 3128
Authentication: off
In my iOS application I have two ways of accessing the network. For http requests I am using NSURLRequest and for other TCP connections I am using the AsyncSocket library.
All requests using NSURLRequest use the proxy without an issue (for SSL, the proxy acts as a HTTP CONNECT tunnel). However, I cannot seem to get the proxy to be used for the AsyncSocket connections.
I did update the AsyncSocket library to call the following whenever the CFStreams are created e.g.:
//for printing out the proxy settings
static void printEntry (const void* key, const void* value, void* context) {
- (BOOL)createStreamsFromNative:(CFSocketNativeHandle)native error:(NSError **)errPtr
// Create the socket & streams.
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(kCFAllocatorDefault, native, &theReadStream, &theWriteStream);
CFDictionaryRef proxyDict = CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings();
CFDictionaryApplyFunction(proxyDict, printEntry, NULL); // I see the proxy settings are correct here
CFReadStreamSetProperty(theReadStream, kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxy, proxyDict);
CFWriteStreamSetProperty(theWriteStream, kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxy, proxyDict);
return YES;
Anything obvious I have missed here?
From the apple documentation:
there is nothing that indicates that this shouldn't work. The documentation mentions using CFStreams, not CFHTTPStreams.
Since I couldn't get it to work as the documentation states and I was running out of time, I implemented my own HTTP proxy code which in the end was ot too difficult. If the configuration indicated that a HTTP proxy was set, I redirected the initial connect to the proxy and initiated a HTTP request with the following headers:
CONNECT <real host>:<real port> HTTP/1.1
Host: <real host>
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Connection: keep-alive
On receiving a complete http response with a 200 response code, I begin socket communication as if communicating directly with the server (e.g. like calling startTLS to begin SSL).