I use telerik raddatepicker control to select a date.
I get the date value from the control, convert it into javascript Date object and then use getTime to get the total milliseconds:
var FromDate = $find("<%=fromDate.ClientID%>").get_dateInput().get_displayValue();
var FromDateMill = new Date(FromDate).getTime();
The date I choose is 6/4/2012 (us). when I print the result of new Date(FromDate) I get the correct date I chose.
In server side, I try to get datetime object using the milliseconds I got from the javascript so I use this code:
DateTime seventies = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
DateTime fromDate = seventies.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToDouble(Reader["FromDateMill"]));
but when I print fromDate I get 6/3/2012 9:00:00 AM (a day before..). I checked and saw that the conversion toDouble returns the correct number of milliseconds as I got in the javascript.
Does anyone has an idea what am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Inbal.
The value that you get from the getTime
method is not from the local time, but from the universal time. When you add those milliseconds to 1970-1-1, you get the universal time, not the local time.
Use the ToLocal
method to get the DateTime value for the local time:
DateTime fromDate =