I'm learning spring for android with androidannotations and I'm having trouble casting JSON data received via HTTP Get to my model objects.
I have the following code:
myRestClient.getRestTemplate().getMessageConverters().add(new GsonHttpMessageConverter());
ArrayList liveMatches = myRestClient.getLiveMatchesForUser((long) user_id);
This response is actually just a JSON representation of a list of Match
How can I convert this raw JSON response into an ArrayList<Match>
Here is what worked for me.
I created a simple class which was just a wrapper of an ArrayList data structure.
Something like:
public class MatchesListWrapper {
public ArrayList<Match> matches;
public MatchesListWrapper(ArrayList<Match> matches) {
this.matches = matches;
public ArrayList<Match> getMatches() {
return matches;
public void setMatches(ArrayList<Match> matches) {
this.matches = matches;