When using browseForSave method, is it possible to let the user choose only the location of a file, and not the file name or the extension?
I'm creating an encrypted file, and I need its name and extensions not to be changed by the user.
I was simply looking for the browseForDirectory method. Shame on me. :)
For a reference on how to open a browse dialog to choose a folder see the example here:
How to create "Browse for folder" dialog in Adobe FLEX?
once you have your directory you can piece that together with code here to save a file using the FileStream object:
copied here since it's an external link
private function saveFile():void{
var myPattern:RegExp = / /g;
var newFileName:String = fileName.text.replace('.txt','');
if(newFileName.length > 1){
var file:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("Files/" + newFileName.replace(myPattern,'_') + ".txt");
var stream:FileStream = new FileStream()
stream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE);
var str:String = contents.text;
str = str.replace(/\r/g, File.lineEnding);
fdg.directory = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("Files/");
fileName.text = "";
contents.text = "";
} else {
mx.controls.Alert.show("File name is required", "Error Saving File");