Are there any jJava libraries or techniques to parsing boolean expressions piecemeal?
What I mean is given an expression like this:
T && ( F || ( F && T ) )
It could be broken down into a expression tree to show which token caused the 'F' value, like so (maybe something like this):
T && <- rhs false
( F || <- rhs false
( F && T ) <- eval, false
I am trying to communicate boolean expression evaluations to non-programmers. I have poked around with Anlr, but I couldn't get it to do much (it seems to have a bit of a learning curve).
I'm not opposed to writing it myself, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.
I've coded this using Javaluator.
It's not exactly the output you are looking for, but I think it could be a start point.
package test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import net.astesana.javaluator.*;
public class TreeBooleanEvaluator extends AbstractEvaluator<String> {
/** The logical AND operator.*/
final static Operator AND = new Operator("&&", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 2);
/** The logical OR operator.*/
final static Operator OR = new Operator("||", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 1);
private static final Parameters PARAMETERS;
static {
// Create the evaluator's parameters
PARAMETERS = new Parameters();
// Add the supported operators
// Add the parentheses
public TreeBooleanEvaluator() {
protected String toValue(String literal, Object evaluationContext) {
return literal;
private boolean getValue(String literal) {
if ("T".equals(literal) || literal.endsWith("=true")) return true;
else if ("F".equals(literal) || literal.endsWith("=false")) return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown literal : "+literal);
protected String evaluate(Operator operator, Iterator<String> operands,
Object evaluationContext) {
List<String> tree = (List<String>) evaluationContext;
String o1 =;
String o2 =;
Boolean result;
if (operator == OR) {
result = getValue(o1) || getValue(o2);
} else if (operator == AND) {
result = getValue(o1) && getValue(o2);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
String eval = "("+o1+" "+operator.getSymbol()+" "+o2+")="+result;
return eval;
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeBooleanEvaluator evaluator = new TreeBooleanEvaluator();
doIt(evaluator, "T && ( F || ( F && T ) )");
doIt(evaluator, "(T && T) || ( F && T )");
private static void doIt(TreeBooleanEvaluator evaluator, String expression) {
List<String> sequence = new ArrayList<String>();
evaluator.evaluate(expression, sequence);
System.out.println ("Evaluation sequence for :"+expression);
for (String string : sequence) {
System.out.println (string);
System.out.println ();
Here is the ouput:
Evaluation sequence for :T && ( F || ( F && T ) )
(F && T)=false
(F || (F && T)=false)=false
(T && (F || (F && T)=false)=false)=falseEvaluation sequence for :(T && T) || ( F && T )
(T && T)=true
(F && T)=false
((T && T)=true || (F && T)=false)=true