I'm trying to make a software for iPhone to connect to one secured mail server and does the basic cryptography function. It would be encryption-signing and decryption.
I found a few frameworks like http://www.chilkatsoft.com/ that can be used even for iOS programming but according to http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4979# iOS 5 has the support, so it would be easier to use the iOS feature rather than the third-party code, right?
But not all of users would able to setup secure mails. I was thinking of writing an app that just setup a mail account on the user's iPhone.
This application just needs to get the username and password (remember I want it for one single server) and does the configuration, like the things that was described in above link; is it possible? If yes how? Does http://www.rootmanager.com/iphone-ota-configuration/iphone-ota-setup-with-signed-mobileconfig.html work fine for my requirements?
Additional info:
You can 'install' mail settings on a user's phone using Profiles generated by the iPhone configuration utility
S/mime keys for send mail to other users are distributed via exchange or by receiving mail from other users. apple blurb
The Apple link you give is for sending encrypted emails; which is different from securing the connection to the mail-server. The iphone is capable of both.