I currently have a python file that utilizes sys.argv[1] to accept a string at the command line. It then performs operations on that string and then returns the modified string to the command line.
I would like to implement a batch mode option in which I can provide a file of strings (one per line, fwiw) and have it return to the command line so that I can redirect the output doing something like
$ python script.py -someflag file.txt > modified.txt
while still retaining the current capabilities.
I am only running 2.6, so argparse is not an option. The tutorials I have seen either use argparse, getopt, or delve into examples that are too complex/don't apply.
What is the best way to check the input and act appropriately?
argparse is still an option, it's just not built into 2.6. You can still install it like any 3rd party package (for example, using easy_install argparse
An example of code for this would be:
import sys
import argparse
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="script.py")
p.add_argument("-s", dest="string")
p.add_argument("-f", dest="infile")
args = p.parse_args()
if args.infile == None and args.string == None:
print "Must be given either a string or a file"
if args.infile != None and args.string != None:
print "Must be given either a string or a file, not both"
if args.infile:
# process the input file one string at a time
if args.string:
# process the single string