Boost::function is throwing me exceptions one out of ten times when I try to assign one function1 to another function1.
Task is a typedef for boost::function1<void, void*>
Here is the specific code:
// the Task object sent in as Task task
void Sleeper(void* arg)
int32_t sleepTime = *(int32_t*)arg;
struct ThreadInfo
ThreadInfo() : mState(DETACHED), mTask(NULL), mArg(NULL)
{ }
ThreadState mState;
Task mTask;
void* mArg;
Thread::Thread(Task task, void* arg, IMemoryAllocator& allocator, ILogManager& logger) : mAllocator(allocator), mLogger(logger)
mThreadInfo = (ThreadInfo*) mAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(ThreadInfo)); // simnple heap allocation
mThreadInfo->mArg = arg;
mThreadInfo->mState = Thread::RUNNING;
mThreadInfo->mTask = task; //<--------- throws... sometimes
mHandle = _CreateThread(&Run, (void*)mThreadInfo);
if (!mHandle)
I specificly tracked it down in the boost function_template.hpp to the assignment operator, on this code, where it ultimately throws:
// Assignment from another BOOST_FUNCTION_FUNCTION
if (&f == this)
return *this;
this->assign_to_own(f); // <--- throws, and then line below re-throws
} BOOST_CATCH (...) {
vtable = 0;
return *this;
Why is this? Is there anything easily spotted that is wrong with my code? Is there anything else needed?
EDIT: I know I will be asked to use boost::threads, but I'm trying out my own wrapper around win32/pthread, (for fun)
Your struct
has a non-trivial constructor, but you don't call it. It leaves the Task
member uninitialized. To initialize it, either allocate the whole object with new
, or use placement new to initialize it as follows:
void *mem = mAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(ThreadInfo)); // simnple heap allocation
mThreadInfo = new(mem) ThreadInfo; // placement new
mThreadInfo->mArg = arg;
mThreadInfo->mState = Thread::RUNNING;
mThreadInfo->mTask = task;
Placement new constructs an object in an already allocated raw (uninitialized) memory.