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Trying to migrate SQL Server to MySQL using MySQL Workbench. Error: "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid argument value" when migrating data

Long time lurker, first time poster; hoping anyone can help me out.

Im using MySQL Workbench 5.2.41 to migrate a database from SQL Server to MySQL 5.0.8

The entire process goes smoothly: both SQL and MySQL connection Tests are good, the skemea and table create as expected, everything checks out until the 'Bulk Data Transfer' step. At that point I receive this error:

Migrating data...
wbcopytables.exe --odbc-source=DSN=SQL Server 11;DATABASE=;UID=sa [email protected]:3306 --progress --passwords-from-stdin --thread-count=1 --table [GSAClosers_v2] [dbo].[AccountBase] `dbo` `AccountBase`
`dbo`.`AccountBase`:Copying 84 columns of 169530 rows from table [GSAClosers_v2].[dbo].[AccountBase]

ERROR: `dbo`.`AccountBase`:SQLGetData: HY009:10:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid argument value `dbo`.`AccountBase`:

Finished copying 0 rows in 0m00s
Copy helper has finished

For connectors I'm using Microsoft SQL Server / ODBC Data Source / DSN: SQL Server and for MySQL the IP and port(3306).

SQL Server 2012 Management Studio connects and all operations work as expected.

O, side not: both are on the same localhost machine.

If anyone can shed some light on this I would be forever indebted. Thanks in advance


  • Ok, got it figured out: un-install java. install java 1.6, use MySQL Migration Tool. change all data types to varchar, ints and bits. run data.