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How do you pass a model from Editor for model into a controller? (using

@model mymodelsnamespace

    @using (Html.BeginForm("MyMethodName", "MyContollerName", FormMethod.Post)) 
         @Html.EditorFor(m => Model, "Submit", new { multiple = true }) 
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

I know the code I am going write will be close to whats above

How do I passed the updated model into MyMethodName is i can continue to manipulate it in my controller?

Please provide the signature for MyMethodName and the cshtml to give the model to the method in the controller.


  • If you add this code to your controller, it should work.

    public ActionResult MyMethodName (YourModel model)
        ... some code here.

    You may find the Model-View-ViewModel pattern interesting.