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How can I generate GUIDs in Excel?

I have an excel file with one order on each row, and I want each order to have a unique identifier, so there will be a Unique ID column. Every time I fill a row, I want Excel to automatically populate the Unique ID column for me. I did some research and was pointed in the direction of GUIDs. I found the following code:

Function GenGuid() As String
Dim TypeLib As Object
Dim Guid As String
Set TypeLib = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
Guid = TypeLib.Guid
' format is {24DD18D4-C902-497F-A64B-28B2FA741661}
Guid = Replace(Guid, "{", "")
Guid = Replace(Guid, "}", "")
Guid = Replace(Guid, "-", "")
GenGuid = Guid
End Function

but I am not sure how I can implement it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


  • The following Excel expression evaluates to a V4 GUID:


    -or (depending on locale setting/decimal and list separators)-


    Note that the first character of the third group is always 4 to signify a V4 (pseudo-random number generated) GUID/UUID per RFC 4122 section 4.4.

    Also note that the first character of the fourth group is always between 8 and B per the same RFC.

    Standard disclaimer: the resulting GUIDs/UUIDs are not cryptographically strong.

    Edit: remove invisible characters