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Get color Image not in the frame ready event

I have some problem with the kinect. when I try to get color Image from the event: Sensor_AllFramesReady everything is ok. example:

using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame()) {
    //save image for print
    if (colorFrame == null) {
    byte[] colorData = new byte[colorFrame.PixelDataLength];
    int averagedImage = colorFrame.Width * PixelFormats.Bgr32.BitsPerPixel / 8;
    int stride = colorFrame.Width * 4;
    pictureBitmap = BitmapSource.Create(colorFrame.Width, colorFrame.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, colorData, stride);

But when I try to do the same code outside the event with

using (ColorImageFrame Image = Sensor.ColorStream.OpenNextFrame(10)) {


I get error : "This API cannot be called when an event listener has been set"

I try to remove the event before calling this function but this don't change anything


  • You have to choice, event handler or poll method. You can use the event and save the last frame to use it some else place.