I have some problem with the kinect. when I try to get color Image from the event: Sensor_AllFramesReady everything is ok. example:
using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame()) {
//save image for print
if (colorFrame == null) {
byte[] colorData = new byte[colorFrame.PixelDataLength];
int averagedImage = colorFrame.Width * PixelFormats.Bgr32.BitsPerPixel / 8;
int stride = colorFrame.Width * 4;
pictureBitmap = BitmapSource.Create(colorFrame.Width, colorFrame.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, colorData, stride);
But when I try to do the same code outside the event with
using (ColorImageFrame Image = Sensor.ColorStream.OpenNextFrame(10)) {
I get error : "This API cannot be called when an event listener has been set"
I try to remove the event before calling this function but this don't change anything
You have to choice, event handler or poll method. You can use the event and save the last frame to use it some else place.