Going by the opening paragraph of the boost::spirit::qi::symbols documentation, I assumed that it wouldn't be too hard to add symbols to a qi::symbols from a semantic action. Unfortunately it appears to be not as straightforward as I would have assumed.
The following bit of test code exhibits the problem:
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
typedef qi::symbols<char, unsigned int> constants_dictionary;
template <typename Iter> struct parser : public qi::grammar<Iter, qi::space_type> {
parser(constants_dictionary &dict) : parser::base_type(start) {
start = qi::lit("@") >> ((+qi::char_) >> qi::uint_)[dict.add(qi::_1, qi::_2)];
qi::rule<Iter> start;
int main() {
constants_dictionary dict;
parser<std::string::const_iterator> prsr(dict);
std::string test = "@foo 3";
parse(test.begin(), test.end(), prsr, qi::space);
Gives type errors related to qi::_2 from VS2010:
C:\Users\k\Coding\dashCompiler\spirit_test.cpp(12) : error C2664: 'const boost::
spirit::qi::symbols<Char,T>::adder &boost::spirit::qi::symbols<Char,T>::adder::o
perator ()<boost::spirit::_1_type>(const Str &,const T &) const' : cannot conver
t parameter 2 from 'const boost::spirit::_2_type' to 'const unsigned int &'
T=unsigned int,
Reason: cannot convert from 'const boost::spirit::_2_type' to 'const uns
igned int'
No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conv
ersion, or the operator cannot be called
C:\Users\k\Coding\dashCompiler\spirit_test.cpp(10) : while compiling cla
ss template member function 'parser<Iter>::parser(constants_dictionary &)'
C:\Users\k\Coding\dashCompiler\spirit_test.cpp(21) : see reference to cl
ass template instantiation 'parser<Iter>' being compiled
(Apologies for the nasty VS2010 error-style)
What syntax am I supposed to be using to add (and later on, remove) symbols from this table?
This question has been answered before. However, there is quite a range of problems with your posted code, so I'll fix them up one by one to spare you unnecessary staring at pages of error messages.
The working code (plus verification of output) is here on liveworkspace.org.
the semantic action must be a Phoenix actor, i.e. you need
, phoenix::bind
, std::bind
or phoenix::function<>
a function pointer or polymorphic calleable object (as per the documentation)
I'd recommend phoenix::bind
(in this particular case), which I show below
eats all characters. Combined with the skipper, this resulted
in parse failure, because (obviously) the digits in the value were also being
eaten by +qi::char_
. I show you one of many solutions, based on qi::lexeme[+qi::graph]
to 'bypass' the skipper (i.e. to prevent +qi::graph to cut
across whitespace because the skipper, well, skipped it)qi::parse
doesn't take a skipper; use qi::phrase_parse
for that (the
reason it appeared to work is that any trailing 'variadic' arguments are
bound to the exposed attributes of the parser, which in this case are
unspecified, and therefore qi::unused_type
and test.end()
directly to
, you need to make it clear that you want const iterators. The
more typical solution would be to introduce explicitely typed variables
and last
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
typedef qi::symbols<char, unsigned int> constants_dictionary;
template <typename Iter> struct parser : qi::grammar<Iter, qi::space_type>
parser(constants_dictionary &dict) : parser::base_type(start)
start = qi::lit("@") >> (qi::lexeme [+qi::graph] >> qi::uint_)
[ phx::bind(dict.add, qi::_1, qi::_2) ]
qi::rule<Iter, qi::space_type> start;
int main() {
constants_dictionary dict;
parser<std::string::const_iterator> prsr(dict);
const std::string test = "@foo 3";
if (qi::phrase_parse(test.begin(), test.end(), prsr, qi::space))
std::cout << "check: " << dict.at("foo") << "\n";