recently I met a problem about Teechart Programming. I got a software which was written in C++ Builder with Teechart 8, below is a screenshot. And that's all I know about the software. I was curious about how to realize that with teechart.
I walked through the offcial tutorial and by new a TChartAxis I can divide the chart into n pieces.
What make me so puzzled is how to add addtional labels(aligned-left) and how to set their color, font and size in code.
I'm sorry for my poor English and you will make my day, I'm looking forward to your point.
Best wishes~ :)
If you create an axis in a chart, it needs a series with data linked to it. Then, both the axis, grids, labels and the series will be drawn. Find an example (and its code) of the custom axes usage at "All features\Welcome !\Axes\Opaque zones" in the "TeeChart compiled demo" here.