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fql to get location posts by me or my friends with me tagged

Here is what i'm looking for:

select author_uid, tagged_uids, page_id from location_post where author_uid = me() or ( author_uid in (select uid2 from friend where uid1=me()) and me() in tagged_uids)

When i split the queries they return the expected results.

i.e, both

  1. select author_uid, tagged_uids, page_id from location_post where author_uid = me()
  2. select author_uid, tagged_uids, page_id from location_post where author_uid in (select uid2 from friend where uid1=me()) and me() in tagged_uids

work as expected. What I need is a union of the 2. I'm tempted to say this is either a bug (or a limitation) in the API


  1. The OR clause itself works if the hard code one of my friend's id and my id. i.e author_uid=<my-id> or (author_uid=<frnd-id> and <my-id> in tagged_uids)


  • The problem was me() in the query. I had the user's ID around and replace me() with the actual ID did the the job

    SELECT id, author_uid, page_id, tagged_uids, timestamp, coords FROM location_post WHERE (&lt;id> IN tagged_uids or author_uid = &lt;id>)