I have the following method in a module that calls another method imported from another module:
def imported_function():
The actual method that needs to be tested, imports and uses the above function:
from somewhere import imported_function
def function_to_be_tested():
return 42
The inner calls and related calculations inside imported_function are not important and they are not what I want to test so I just want to skip them while testing the actual function function_to_be_tested.
Thus, I tried to monkey patch the module named somewhere inside the test method but no luck.
def test_function_to_be_tested(self):
import somewhere
somewhere.__dict__['imported_function'] = lambda : True
The question is, how can I monkey patch a method of a module while testing so that it will not be called during the test phase?
I think better to use Mock Library
So you can do something like:
from somewhere import imported_function
def test_function_to_be_tested(self, imported_function):
imported_function.return_value = True
#Your test
I think for unit tests it's better than monkey patch.