I want to build a function which takes the sum of all rows in a column called hours. it should then return an integer value, which i am going to use to multiply with another number.
FMDatabase *dbHandler = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:[Utility getDatabasePath]];
[dbHander open];
FMResultSet *results = [dbHandler executeQuery:@"SELECT SUM(hours) FROM inputs"];
NSInteger totalHours;
while ([results next]) {
totalHours = [results intForColumn:@"hours"];
return totalHours;
but it doesnt work, it return 0, and it comes with a warning saying no column called "hours"
I think most database engines would name the column in the result of your query after the outermost aggregate function -- SUM
Try changing your query to SELECT SUM(hours) AS hours FROM inputs
. (Or, if you're querying Oracle, you unlucky person, the query is without the AS