I am executing javaw with an infinite looping java file using this:
$descriptorspec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a file to write to
// e.x. $javaCmd = "java -cp "../Fully Diversified Sequences of Sets" SuperEasyProblemSolution2 > /dev/null 2>&1 < h.in"
$proc = proc_open($javaCmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes);//, $cwd, $env);
stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0) ;
$status = proc_get_status($proc);
$timeOut = 5;
$currentSecond = 0;
while( $currentSecond < $timeOut ) {
echo '<br/>';
$currentSecond = $currentSecond +1;
if( ! $status["running"] )
echo 'process exited before timing out'; // Process must have exited, success!
$status = proc_get_status($proc);
} // end while
if($currentSecond == $timeOut)
// kill KILL KILL!
exec("taskkill /PID ".$status['pid']);
On the first call to proc_get_status
, running
attribute returns true. On the second call (one second later) to proc_get_status
, running
returns false. The application javaw.exe is still running, however ( I call proc_get_status
in a while loop that will eventually timeout.)
My goal is to taskkill the program after the timeout has expired. See a similar question here. I am running on Win7 64 bit, PHP 5.3
Var dump on $status
: (Note; I tried applying stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0) ;
, same issue)
Before entering timeout loop:
array(8) {
["command"]=> string(157) "java -cp "../Fully Diversified Sequences of Sets" SuperEasyProblemSolution2 /dev/null 2>&1 < h.in"
["pid"]=> int(3264)
["running"]=> bool(true)
["signaled"]=> bool(false)
["stopped"]=> bool(false)
["exitcode"]=> int(-1)
["termsig"]=> int(0)
["stopsig"]=> int(0)
After first iteration/sleep(1):
array(8) {
["command"]=> string(157) "java -cp "../Fully Diversified Sequences of Sets" SuperEasyProblemSolution2 /dev/null 2>&1 < h.in"
["pid"]=> int(3264)
["running"]=> bool(false)
["signaled"]=> bool(false)
["stopped"]=> bool(false)
["exitcode"]=> int(1)
["termsig"]=> int(0)
["stopsig"]=> int(0)
process exited before timing out
After testing, it appears that $status['pid'] is different than the pid for javaw.exe under Windows' Resource Monitor.
Although we couldnt pinpoint the issue with proc_get_status returning the incorrect boolean, we were able to find a good work-around (for Unix), using
if (file_exists("/proc/".$status["pid"])) {
// process still running
to check if the process was still running or not.
Here is the full code excerpt:
$proc = proc_open($javaCmd, array(array("pipe", "r"), array("pipe", "w"), array("pipe", "w")), $pipes);
$status = proc_get_status($proc);
if($status["pid"] === false)
// Process did not execute correctly
$timeOut = 0;
$forceKill = true;
while($timeOut < $timeLimit)
echo 'Timeout is at '.$timeOut.' and timelimit: '.$timeLimit.'<br/>';
if (file_exists("/proc/".$status["pid"])) {
// process still running
echo 'Finished running after '.$timeOut.' seconds<br/>';
$forceKill = false;
if($forceKill == true)
echo ' Manual killing pid '.$status['pid'];
exec("sudo kill ".$status['pid']);
$runTime = $timeLimit;