I can' t install sfGuardPlugin in symfony 1.4 I use command:
symfony plugin:install sfGuardPlugin
Then i get: No release available for plugin "sfGuardPlugin" in state ""
When I use:
php symfony plugin:install sfGuardPlugin --release=4.0.2
I get: Unable to get download information for plugin "sfGuardPlugin | 4.0.2 | ": "" is not a valid state
If i try for example release=4.0 i get: Unable to get dependencies information for plugin "sfGuardPlugin": File http://plugins.symfony-project.org:80/REST/r/sfguardplugin/deps.4.0.txt not valid (received: HTTP/1.0 404 Version does not exist) (use --force-license to force installation)
I use MAMP, OS X Lion and PHP 5.3.6.
How i can install sfGuard ?
I solved it! That was problem with PEAR. PEAR is installed, but there is no shortcut for it.
sudo emacs -rw /etc/path
and add path to Your MAMP/PHP bin folder. For me is:
I used before(so i have php5):
cd /Applications/MAMP/bin/php; ln -s php5.3.6 php5
[For older MAMP version, there is only one php folder, no two]
Now after restart terminal You can just type: pear in each place.
Now i can use: php symfony plugin:install sfGuardPlugin and it works :)
If Your pear don' t works correct try delete pear config file from path:
I hope it will help someone.