Im planning to build a Embedded system which is almost like an organizer i.e. which handles contacts, games, applications & wifi/2G/3G for internet. I planned to build the UI with QML because of its easy to use and quick application building nature. And to have a linux kernel. But after reading these articles: & I am depressed and reconsidering my idea of using QML! My hardware will be with these configurations : Processor around 600MHz, RAM 128MB and no GPU.
Please give comments on this and suggest me some alternatives for this. Thanks in Advance.
I have created a QML application for Nokia E63 which has 369MHz processor, 128MB RAM. I don't think it has a GPU. The application is a Stop Watch application. I have animated button click events like jumping (jumping balls). The animations are really smooth even when two button jumps at the same time. A 600MHz processor is expected to handle QML easily.
This is the link for the sis file If you have a Nokia mobile you can test it.
May be you should consider building QML elements by hand instead of doing it from Photoshop or Gimp. For example using Item in the place of Rectangle will be optimal. So you can give it a try. May be by creating a rough sketch with good amount of animations to check whether you processor can handle that. Even if it don't work as expected then consider Qt to build your UI.