I am making an installer with packagemaker for Mac OS X, and i would like to have my bundle placed inside a directory together with another executable for uninstallation. The problem that I have is that i would like to have that directory to have customised icon. So can anyone tell me what is the best way to do this
This seems not like a programming related question.
By the way:
- Select the volume, application, folder, or file whose icon you want
to stamp onto another, just click the icon to select it.
- From the File menu, choose Get Info or press Command-I to open the
Info window.
- Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the Info window to select
- From the Edit menu, choose Copy or press Command-C.
- Select the volume, application, folder, or file whose icon you want
to replace.
- From the File menu, choose Get Info or press Command-I.
- Click the icon in the upper-left corner.
- From the Edit menu, choose Paste or press Command-V to replace the
Here is how to set it programmatically with cocoa and obj-c.